~ Embrace your feminine nature ~
12 week online Journey to Joyful Womanhood
“Experience the FUN of being a WOMAN, own your feminine GIFTS and discover the EASE of being unapologetically YOU”
This program is designed for you if:
You’d love to become more unapologetic in celebrating your unique feminine expression
You wish to feel more alive, playful & to enjoy life more often
You compare yourself to others would love to feel more comfortable in your own skin
You long to feel safer with yourself & others and wish to trust yourself more
You often overanalise things, living in your head feels safer than in the rest of your body, listening to its wisdom is therefore challenging
You would love to allow yourself more guilt-free pleasures
You wish to dare shining your light fully & shamelessly
You want to feel more self-confident, worthy and empowered as a woman
You’d love to embrace & express all of your emotions easily and finally feel good enough exactly as you are
You want to expand in self-love & self-care to live your best life
Taking time for self-care & pleasure doesn’t feel natural to you, being busy all the time does
You are very good at giving, would love to become better in receiving
You tend to put others first on your list of priorities & would love becoming better in setting boundaries
You are ready to take full responsibility for your life, happiness & well-being
Dearest Woman
I’m Kinga and my biggest passion in life is to help you thrive in your feminine body. The list above is literally a description of myself from years back, cut off from my feminine essence and emotions…
Born in Poland in 1982 during times of civil war, having experienced domestic violence in my early years with an alcoholic dad, who was a soldier – I had ‘learned’ quickly that being a woman was not safe.
I became a tough young tomboy lady, looking strong for the outside world, but covering deep pain, a vulnerable heart and insecurities. I was confused in my body, longed to soften and was afraid to live fully…

My life so far has been an ongoing exploration and learning in breaking the chains of the past, freeing myself from old conditioning, experiencing that love and forgiveness really is the only way and in creating the life of my dreams. In exploring my female landscapes & landing in my feminine nature, in owning my power and the gifts of being a woman.
But mostly in embodying the full spectrum of my female expression, light & dark, sacred & profane, sweet & fiery and seeing them all as meaningful.
Since 2015 I have been (co)leading Women Circles, Retreats and a Year Training for women. I am a devoted reiki practitioner since 2010, and since 2013 also a yoga teacher and my classes are very much YIN oriented these days, with the focus on deepening the feminine qualities in us all. In all those years i have attended countless body work trainings & in 2020 i have added Healing Body Sessions & now also deeply transformative Pelvic Massage Journeys to my offerings.
Coming back to my heart & owning my amazingness bits by bits resulted in remembering the innate joy of being alive. Sharing it with others makes me very happy.
This online course is the fruit of my explorations, filled with basic tools, that helped me come back home to myself and my joyful feminine nature.

“Deciding to participate in WAF was the best choice I have made! I joined this course because of Kinga, because I trust her and what she does, and had no deeper understanding of the course itself. I decided to go with the flow and believed that the right things would come to me. Today I can only say: Oh my God!! YES, YES, YES to this course!! I am so happy that I dared to take that step and opened myself up for this journey. It was as if a completely new world opened up for me, and every week I learned more new things and discovered more insights for myself. I feel as if I have been woken up by this course, shaken back to life, finding joy and excitement for life again. I can truly say I fell ALIVE thanks to this course! There are not enough words to express how much I would recommend it to others, because I believe there is so much value in it for every single woman out there! I have the greatest appreciation and gratitude towards Kinga for creating WAF and giving opportunities to other women to take part in all of this amazing knowledge.“
~ Kristine ~ (Latvia/Sweden, living in NL) ~
What to expect?
Women Alive FUNdamentals* is a DEEPLY TRANSFORMATIVE PROGRAM that sets you off for changing your life for the better, for good! It offers you a fundamental understanding and tools for connecting to, nourishing and sustaining your feminine energy.
The program is set up in a way that creates strong foundation for you to stay rooted in your feminine core. It gives a roadmap for life to come back to whenever needed, as well as support in reaffirming yourself, that being a woman can be safe, easy & fun.
In the last thirteen years i have explored different teachings & techniques with many great teachers, such as: chakra work & healing, reiki, yoga, tantra, shamanism, taoist practices & sexuality qigong, goddess archetypes, emdr & nlp, keltic year cycle, moon cycles, neuroscience, heart & brain coherence, quantum model of reality (working in person ao. with: Ronja Sebastiaan, Charlotte Norell, Jos Kester, Arianne van Galen, Corine Lavrijssen, Sarah Powers, dr. Joe Dispenza…) …
It all resulted in the evolvement of my own ‘fusion tool box of favourites’, which i stick to & keep exploring. In this program i combine many things, but especially those 3 things i love most:
Feminine Embodiment Practices, Chakra Psychology & Yin yoga.
(*This course is the first in the series of two, WAF 2 planned for 2023)
Feminine Embodiment Practices
Physical, dynamic or gentle exercises & visualisations & meditations, to awaken the healthy energy flow in the body, helping to ground experiences in the physical realm, expand body awareness & consciousness. Cultivation of feminine body love & care.
Chakra Psychology
Knowledge of the 7 chakras (energy centers) in the body and their relation to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Psychology of “healing”, that requires honesty and deep inner investigation. I am educated in the teachings of Anodea Judith.
Yin Yoga
A form of yoga combining yoga poses, organ health teachings and buddhist mindfulness practices, as taught by Sarah Powers. A slow, grounding & meditative yoga form, in which poses are held for 2-10 minutes to stimulate self healing capacities of our bodies.

The Fruits of this work
Feeling happier, healthier and more relaxed in your own skin
Being in touch with your emotions, desires and the ability to access & express them with ease
Falling in love with your true authentic self and having more confidence in living & sharing it
Experiencing more flow, effortlessness, joy, aliveness in daily life
Feeling greater self appreciation & pleasure of being in a feminine body
Setting boundries effortlessly & naturally, from a place of worth & confidence
Experiencing a deeper level of intimacy with yourself and from there with those around you
Being proud to be a woman, sprinkling your feminine essence like fairy dust wherever you go
Being in connection to the wisdom of your body and your intuition
Owning your sensuality, power and vulnerability and embracing all that you are and feel, more easily
Feeling grounded in your heart and leading your life from there
Filling your own cup first, so you can share love from an overflowing abundance
Week 1: SAFETY
Grounding & Unwinding
Week 2: BODY
Body love & Body wisdom
EXTRA in betwYIN
Rest & Digest
Movement & Inner child
Sensuality & Joy
EXTRA in betwYIN
Rest & Digest
Boundaries & Your NO
Radiance & Your YES
EXTRA in betwYIN
Rest & Digest
Week 10: SELF LOVE
Self-care & Receptivity
Vulnerability & Connection
EXTRA in betwYIN
Rest & Digest
“This course has helped me in so many ways. It has helped me connect to and love myself, to ask and listen to what my body needs, and to both feel and flow with my emotions. It’s given me stillness in the storm. Even the moments when life got the best of me, I learned through noticing my boundaries and listening to them, and put my health first. I’ve gained more than I’d ever hoped. I couldn’t be more grateful to Kinga for putting together such a well thought out course, and for sharing with us without it ever becoming preachy or anything along those lines.”
~ Maxime ~ (the Netherlands) ~

~ “Welcome ~ how to get around” video
~ topic introduction & in-depth videos
~ theory & worksheets & poems of each week
~ weekly mini ‘homeworks‘ to focus on
~ embodiment video practices/ meditation audios (downloadable)
~ yin yoga weekly videos ( 1h )
~ BONUS: morning practices (video/audio) 5 min
~ BONUS: 8x long Spotify playlists
~ 6 group Zoom meetings of 75min in a group WAF
~ 3x Guest Teacher live Masterclass
~ 4x live morning dance breaks (20min)
~ Private FB group to share & inspire
All weekly material is set up in a logical order to do, but it is totally up to you to find your own rhythm and pace.
You are looking for a quick fix.
Certain things may, but most things usually don’t change overnight. Habits that have taken years to develop won’t change instantly and need your awareness & time. We are creating new behaviours & states of being together – that to be lasting – need your commitment, dedication, practice and repetition.
You are not willing to commit a minimum of 2 hours a week to the course.
Transformation will not happen on its own. The amount of energy you put into something equals the results. Less than 2 hours will not work. You need to be willing to grow more than any of your excuses not to. Otherwise, in times of challenge, you will not have enough inner resources to expand beyond your comfort zone and we will not have a good time together.
You are not ready to take full responsibility for your life and want me to do the work for you.
I can’t. It’s your life. I need you to show up for this to work for you! Staying in a waiting mode or a victim position is something i know far too well. Until i understood that no one but me holds the key to my happiness. It took me years to get there though, so please, have an honest look at your readiness and be kind to yourself if you discover you are not. This course will run again.
You expect me to be perfect.
I am not. I’m also not your guru. I’m more like a pilot taking you to your destination. How you experience the journey and in which state you arrive there at the end of twelve weeks, is mostly up to you. I may not have all the answers to your questions. My task here is to support you in finding your own answers, your own truth within yourself.
You hesitate.
If this program is right for you & this is your time ~ you will know it! There may be fear or insecurity, but the deep knowing that this is exactly what you need to do now – is stronger than any doubt! It’s just like with shopping clothes: when in doubt – no buying! You can’t do this half heartedly. You’re either fully in, or not in at all.
You have a lot of experience with ‘women work’.
This program is meant as a foundation, giving a basic understanding of the feminine energy. It is also meant as a basis upon which I will build upcoming, more in depth courses. These might be more appropriate for advanced feminine embodiment practitioners. Deepening your roots by revisiting what you already know can still be very beneficial though. Making a proper estimation in that matter ~ is fully up to you.
THE HOW ~ 3 ways to follow WAF
DIT ~ Do It Yourself, start whenever you like, follow at own pace, weekly access to new material
VIP MENTORSHIP ~ Do it yourself + lots of 1on1 extra support from me + 5x sessions of your choice
WAF GROUP Journey ~ Once a year with an exact start, time with a group of sisters & Zoom call & Masterclasses, we start in the fall 2022 (get on the waiting list below not to miss it)
You will receive an email every Monday at 12.00, with access to a new online lesson in the academy.
The 8 lessons are split up in 4 modules, each dealing with a different chakra for 2 weeks, followed by an integration week, which is a catch up time also. I know we are all busy, so the material is as much as possible to the point and efficient.
Each lesson starts with an introduction video about the chakra and that week’s topics. In each lesson you will find a mini assignment and a theory sheet & worksheet. The mini assignment is a MUST! You decide how much of the rest you do every week. Trust that what you feel mostly pulled toward is the exact thing you need. With little time ~ even just listening to spotify list of that week ~ creates a change already. You will also find additional audios and videos to marry the knowledge with experience.
Every lesson will have its own unique collection of exercises. A steady component will be a Yin Yoga video connected to the topic, a mini FUN assessment and a meditation audio. It is all meant to be like a river, where you can jump in & out as you like. No need to stress to do it all! Trust that.
At the end of each lesson you will find a bonus. This can be a morning practice, dance video, Spotify list, extra video or exercise on a specific theme or a guest teacher video. I am joining forces with some wonderful women who share their wisdom with you and are all experts in their fields.
Women Alive Fundamentals
DIY ~ Self-Study- 12 weeks of Transformational Inner Journey (with all material downloadable in mp3 form)
- Weekly access to new online guidance material
- 1 year access to the program (50% discount for future rounds, with updates & bonuses)
women alive FUNDAMENTALS ~ group journey
Waiting list- 12 weeks of Transformational Inner Journey (with all material downloadable in mp3 form) starting all together!
- Weekly access to new online guidance material
- All bonus material & 3x live Masterclasses & 4x live morning dance breaks
- 6x online zoom group calls of 75-90min, deeply supportive of individual processes.
- Access to a closed FB community, accountability.
- 1 year access to the program (50% discount for future rounds, with updates & bonuses)
Women Alive Fundamentals VIP Mentorship
*special Summer offer*- 3 x 1 on 1 Sessions custom-made for your needs( reiki live/distance , healing body session, tantric session, coaching live/online, consulting) – valid 3 months
- 12 weeks of Transformational Inner WAF Journey (with all material downloadable in a mp3 form) in a DIY form, to follwo in your own time as support in the sessions.
- All Bonus material
- 1 year access to the program, (50% discount for future rounds, with updates & bonuses)

“WAF progam is FUN and challenging at the same time. I’ve learnt to bring consciousness to everyday actions and relaxation. Eating chocolate or even sitting on the couch doing nothing with conscious mind and body has a way different dimension for me now. I discovered that the course is not only about womanhood and femininity, I’ve found in the material things about motherhood too. As a mother of two children it made me aware of some issues. I believe that every woman of different age, backgrounds, moments in life – will find in this course things that will serve her best. Kinga showed me the path that I fell in love with and desire to follow. It doesn’t happen by itself though, you have to choose yourself and take actions to feel and be alive in your life. There’ve been ups and downs during the course, some of the exercises were difficult for me, nevertheless Kinga was always there for me. The energy of this precious woman, her voice and the way she explains the content of every module and lesson is like honey for the soul and body, it’s a magical music for ears.
All in all – the course hasn’t been only easy, but it still was fun to find the feminine side of myself. Making an effort with the guidance of Kinga will sure bring you to feeling alive!“
~ Karolina Neczynska ~ (Poland) ~
When does the WAF group Program start & end?
WAF DYI : First Monday after you sign in 🙂
WAF VIP: The day you sign in you get instant acess to the whole course. We make personal appointments for all the session.
WAF Group: Fall 2022 (exact date follows, sign on the waiting list in if you don’t want to miss it)
What are the exact dates of the live Zoom sessions? What if i can't always join?
Every session will be recorded and the video replay will be sent to you the next morning. I do recommend to participate in live sessions as often as possible though, because it deepens your experience and each woman is adding valuable energy to these calls. The dates will be known in the fall 2022.
Will i get personal support from you during the course?
No, unless you’ve chosen the VIP package.
In the WAF group Journey I will answer the most relevant questions in our Zoom sessions and in the Facebook group so that everyone can benefit from it.
What is Reiki and how does a Reiki session work?
Reiki means “universal life force/energy” and is a healing modality originated in Japan. The Reiki practitioner places her hands in particular hand positions (always the same) on the body of the person undergoing the treatment and lets the healing Reiki energy flow into the body. The session takes about 70 minutes. There are live, so called ‘hands on sessions’ and ‘distance sessions’ possible.
A Reiki session works on all layers of your being: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, bringing you exactly what your system needs to be supported. Results are usually: deep relaxation, insights, unblocking of the energy flow, higher energy levels, better sleep. During a Reiki treatment we can be quiet and let the energy do the work in silence, but we can also talk about certain topics if that is what comes up. Each session is different in that matter. I was initiated in my first Reiki grade (Usui Shiki Ryoho) in January 2010 by Reiki master Marcel Vis and got my second grade in August 2018. I have been actively practicing this system ever since and am a big fan of its working. It has truly changed my life.
From the four Reiki sessions that are in the “EXTRA” package, the first one needs to be a ‘hands on’ session. The rest can then either be live or distance treatments. This means you’d need to travel to The Hague where i live for at least the first session at my place.
Do i need to have experience with personal development, yoga or meditation?
No. There is no previous experience required and everyone can join at their own level. It is important to realise that we will be working with the body & mind connection and you need to be willing to investigate your inner world and your feelings on a regular basis. If this is something you don’t like, it can be challenging to participate.
Is this program like a group therapy?
No. The WAF program is created to keep you awake, ignite change & initiate & sustain personal transformation. It is not meant as a replacement of proper therapy. Its online structure and resources are too limited for that, regardless of its deep transformational working. However it can definitely be great to do this program in combination with extra external support within your own resources.
One of the modules is about sensuality? What do you mean by that?
Sensuality to me means the connection to our sensory cognition, the capacity to be fully present in the now through our senses and our ability to fully receive and enjoy our sensations. Some people confuse it with sexuality. To me these are two different themes. Even though sexuality can be sensual, sensuality in itself doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with sexuality.
I am pregnant, is it ok for me to join?
Yes. We are working with deepening the connection to our feminine energy, which can be beneficial during pregnancy. However, if you know there can be blockages or trauma hidden in your system that can be touched when we go deeper, it can be better to join the course after the pregnancy. The physical practices are safe, but if there are poses better to be avoided by pregnant women in my yoga videos – i will always mention modification options.
I take anti depression medication, is that a problem?
In the WAF program we are slowing down to unwind our nervous system, so we can feel ourselves on a deeper level. Medication usually suppresses feelings, but feelings are exactly what we want to dive into these eight weeks. The question is what kind of medication and how much. I’d recommend you contact me personally so we can talk and see what can work in your best interest. In combination with professional help next to the program it can work greatly, but sometimes it is better to wait with participating until you are on less or completely off medication.
Why do we only work with four chakras, if there are seven?
The four lower chakras form a foundation for the higher chakras (and everything else in our system) to work properly. Just like a tree needs strong roots to grow higher, we also can expand more in consciousness when we are grounded in our bodies. In this first WAF course we will focus on strengthening this foundation, which in my eyes is the core work in connecting with the feminine energy.
I have decided to create two separate, shorter programs that built upon each other, rather than one long one.
In the next follow up program ~ a continuation of WAF (2023) ~ we will focus on the upper half of our chakra system, starting at the throat and working our way up. It will have the similar set up: a 10-week program, working 3 weeks with each module, starting with a WAF 1 summary week. The course will only be available for women who have previously participated in WAF 1.
How long will i have access to the online material?
You will have access to the online material for one year. I have chosen for this time limit, as the experience has learned that with a time pressure more people actually finish the course. The audio material is downloadable, which gives you the freedom to come back to it whenever you want. You will get 50% discount for all the future rounds & versions of the course (& live online meetings).
Will WAF run again in the future ?
Yes, it is planned for the spring 2023 again.
What are the exact dates of the live masterclasses & live dance breaks (20min)?
Masterclass 1: MODULE 2 ~ date will follow.
Masterclass 2: MODULE 3 ~ date will follow.
Masterclass 3: MODULE 4 ~ date will follow.
Morning Dance Breaks ~ dates will follow.
Why is there only access for one year?
As experience have shown, shorter access to the program gives way more motivation to actually follow & finish all the modules. I am mostly excited about the transformations that happen when you actively take part in it and will do anything to accommodate that, to the most of my abilities. I have made most material downloadable though, so you can always listen to it in the future 🙂 !
What is a Healing Body Session if i choose for the VIP mentorship?
The sessions that i offer are intuitive session, where i make use of different techniques that i got familiar with in the past 9 years in different trainings. You have comfortable clothes on & are on the matras on the ground. I usually start with ‘holistic pulsing’ method , gently shaking off different parts of your body. Depending on what is needed from there i follow my impulses & the energy using touch, voice, pressure points, gentle of deep massage, pulsing. That is different per person & not to be planned beforehand.
We stay in communication & your feedback is very important. I am clear about my next steps & i sometimes ask questions. Only that which feels oké to you is happening. These sessions are soft of approach, but work very deeply until days after sometimes. My advice is therefore always to keep the rest of your day free, so you can take rest & digest it afterwards, if needed
What to expect?
The structure of the program
The WAF program consists of four modules, connected to the first four lower chakras in our bodies. Each one is divided in two weekly topics. After each module there is an integration week with no new online material (with some voluntary extra’s 🙂 ).
Every Monday at noon you will receive an email & access to that week’s online material.
The content & practices should take between 2h – 4h a week, depending on your availability & energy & willingness. Following your own pace is the key. Each week’s content is set in logical order to practice, but you can also follow your own flow with it, doing it all at once or daily following my set up.
The integration weeks are meant for digestion & potential catching up on missed material. There will though be optional live activities available, such as weekly morning dance break & 3x live Masterclasses with guest experts. Masterclasses will be recorded, dancing not.
We will also have six online Zoom group meetings, every two/three weeks on 1x Monday & 5x Friday evenings at 20.00, 75-90min each. All sessions will be recorded, in case you can’t join live. Live meetings & sharing are essential to the course and bring deepening to the process. The exact dates are in the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.
You will have one year access to the online material ( all the audio is downloadable 🙂 ) & 50% discount to the future versions of the course with all the new updates & bonuses.
Women Alive Fundamentals
DIY ~ Self-Study- 12 weeks of Transformational Inner Journey (with all material downloadable in mp3 form)
- Weekly access to new online guidance material
- 1 year access to the program (50% discount for future rounds, with updates & bonuses)
women alive FUNDAMENTALS ~ group journey
Waiting list- 12 weeks of Transformational Inner Journey (with all material downloadable in mp3 form) starting all together!
- Weekly access to new online guidance material
- All bonus material & 3x live Masterclasses & 4x live morning dance breaks
- 6x online zoom group calls of 75-90min, deeply supportive of individual processes.
- Access to a closed FB community, accountability.
- 1 year access to the program (50% discount for future rounds, with updates & bonuses)
Women Alive Fundamentals VIP Mentorship
*special Summer offer*- 3 x 1 on 1 Sessions custom-made for your needs( reiki live/distance , healing body session, tantric session, coaching live/online, consulting) – valid 3 months
- 12 weeks of Transformational Inner WAF Journey (with all material downloadable in a mp3 form) in a DIY form, to follwo in your own time as support in the sessions.
- All Bonus material
- 1 year access to the program, (50% discount for future rounds, with updates & bonuses)
” My deepest longing is that every woman on this planet remembers, owns and embodies her own PRECIOUSNESS.
I align myself with the reality where we all know our worth, RADIATE our unique beauty and express our natural female aliveness, sensitivity and wisdom in safety and freedom.
I truly believe that EVERY WOMAN ~ no matter the age, background, skin color, circumstances or her challenges ~ is able to reconnect with the primordial feminine power within her and create the life of her dreams from there.
I am also convinced that these challenging and potent times are in desperate need of awakened women, who RECLAIM THEIR LIFE FORCE and happiness, as if the world depends on it.
~ Kinga ~